What is ecology in the interior of New Zealand

Natural materials, natural colors, pleasant light – this is what the interior is made of, allowing people to feel part of the world and nature, and at the same time take care of the environment.

An interior created using environmentally friendly materials not only creates a healthy indoor microclimate, but also helps improve air quality. For example, when using natural wood for finishing floors or walls, the release of harmful chemical compounds and fumes, which can negatively affect the health of the inhabitants, is reduced to zero.

It is interesting that the term “ecodesign” and the names of its components began to be used back in the second half of the last century. It was at this time that the hippie movement flourished, who opposed consumer culture and were among the environmental activists. Note: the hippie subculture appeared as a consequence of the turbulent 1960s, which were accompanied by the height of the Cold War between the USA and the USSR and nuclear weapons testing. Then people began to protest against the aggressive attitude towards the environment and sought to spend more time not in concrete boxes, but in the lap of nature…

In eco-styles, not only materials are important, but also ergonomics, durability and functionality of interior items. In addition, the process of producing things is no less important, which must also be safe.

Let’s take a closer look at the signs of environmental friendliness in the design of living space, highlighted by experts.