Chipboard. Its advantages and varieties

I would immediately like to define such a material as chipboard. DSP – this is a wood -steering plate, made in sheet form, using hot pressing of several types of wood chips at once. Chips are mixed with a binder, and after all processing, this material is obtained.

For the first time, they began to produce chipboard in the late thirties of the twentieth century in Switzerland and Germany. There were few forest resources in these countries, so they began to buy out -of -line wood material. DSP, as today, was made from sawmill, plywood production and woodworking. By 1950, the production of chipboard has gained extensive distribution.

Most often, this material goes through the comparison procedure in the buyer with a natural tree. At the same time, the buyer still stops at the chipboard. Usually the chipboard is distinguished by its homogeneity, in comparison with its competitors. Although if you take the wood of excellent quality, it can compare with the chipboard, but its price will shock the buyer a little. And the prices for chipboard are quite acceptable.

The material is certainly strong and durable, but this does not affect the possibility of easy use. Such material can be attributed to the category of moisture resistant and soundproofing. Now let’s move on to his varieties.

Ordinary chipboard: the price corresponds to its quality.

Strug Smolny DSP: This type is designed for high -speed premises. Such plates due to the resins contained have excellent protection against mold, rot, fungi and insects. The price depends on the manufacturer, as well as the quality.