How to choose a mirror ceiling?

People with exquisite and sophisticated taste will like mirror suspended ceilings. With the help of such ceilings, you can not only see yourself from above, but also visually increase your room. A huge number of models of ceilings and options for mirrored slabs make it possible to create a truly unique interior. You can make completely the ceiling mirrored, or you can use mirror slabs, like a decor of a conventional suspended ceiling. Mirror ceilings in the bathroom look great. Advantages of mirror suspended ceiling. In the first place you can take the cleanliness of the installation. Indeed, the installation of a mirror suspended ceiling does not require cleaning the main ceiling, which means less dirt. Any housewife will like it. Physical properties. Mirror and ordinary suspended ceiling have exactly the same physical characteristics. The mirror ceiling has high moisture resistance, wear resistance, its structure is resistant to corrosion. And unlike a simple suspended ceiling, mirror, has greater reflectiveness, which means that the room will need less light. This will delight economical owners. Environmental friendliness. When installing a mirror ceiling, chemical mixtures and other harmful substances are not used. A huge number of colors. The number of colors, tones and shades will surprise even the most fastidious buyers. But where there are advantages, there are disadvantages. Of the shortcomings, one can distinguish:-fragility;-supplies of pollution; -Station of mirror plates is possible only with diagonal or direct performance. Mirror ceilings. Since this type of ceiling is very susceptible to pollution, it is necessary to periodically carry out wet and dry ceiling cleaning. For wet cleaning, glass cleaning tools are suitable, in the end, go through a dry cloth. Give care of your mirror ceiling, remember that it is very fragile. Do not allow sharp and solid objects in it, as well as traffic jams from champagne.