Drywall or stretch ceilings?

During the construction of your own home or during the overhaul of the apartment, the question of materials that will be used for various works becomes fundamental. When it comes to ceilings, then the installation of drywall is most often proposed. But work with drywall is a matter that requires a lot of time and the application of a large amount of forces. In addition, in order to sheathe the ceilings with drywall, it is necessary to remove all the furniture from the room, since with such work a large amount of dirt appears. The installation of gypsum plasters also requires great experience of such work, and even this is not a guarantee that cracks or bumps will not appear on the ceiling in the future – after all, the house gives shrinkage, which invariably affects the quality of the walls and ceiling. And such a problem as the leak will also not go unnoticed for this – after such an effect, the ceiling will need to be repaired. That is why recently ceilings made of drywall have lost their popularity, yielding to the championship palm trees with suspended ceilings. Installation of stretch ceilings occurs in a minimum amount of time. It is very convenient to integrate lamps, alarm or ventilation system of rooms in them. In addition, suspended ceilings are simply the dream of all designers, as they give almost unlimited possibilities for the implementation of their plans. By the way, now Aquilon provides everyone with an interest -free loan for all products. The undoubted advantage of suspended ceilings is that with their help you can hide various defects of the ceiling – cracks or nervousness, and under them you can hide pipes or wiring. Over time, they do not sag, do not burn out and do not crack. As for the leaks, they are completely not terrible to these ceilings – they have a special valve for water descent, and the appearance of the ceiling itself does not suffer at all.