Log buildings that were so widespread in Russia, and in many northern countries, are in our time not in such great demand. And the reason is that there is less wood, its cost, respectively, increased, and therefore log buildings are rare. But nevertheless, houses from the galled logs are built, since a sufficiently large number of people find both time and money in order to afford this kind of house.

Before the logs will be used as intended in the construction of the house, they must be processed by the technical property. Logs do not pass chemical processing, only the physical effect is experienced. It is necessary to remove the layer of the bark from the surface of the log, and then from the skin so that there are no irregularities on the surface of the log, nor any other complex areas. Also, in the manufacture of logs, that were allocated on special machines, the manufacturer ensures that there are no cracks, chips, and other minor disadvantages that can complicate the operational properties of the logs on the logs. After all the preparatory work, the gallected log can already be used in the construction of houses. Almost logs are environmentally friendly building material, which does not harm the ecology, and is well processed after the service life of the building comes to its end. It is not necessary to produce chemical processing of logs, since this material is protected from moisture, that is, from decay, because they are used in the production of logs most often woody wood, for example, a pine tree or larch, and these trees can protect these breeds yourself from harmful effects from outside microorganisms and moisture.

With good impregnation of logs with resins, galled logs are not subjected to aggression of microorganisms, and water also cannot seep into the logs and cause serious damage inside. In addition to the protective properties, the gallected logs are perfectly in the construction structure of one or two -story building, it is very simple to build from logs, and you can build a full -fledged house in a few days.