Facade plaster: “For” and “Against”

According to a long tradition, the facades of private houses are usually plastered. What, in fact, the advantages of this coating? First of all, it is much cheaper than other options. Plastering work does not require high qualifications, great experience.

The plaster well passes moisture out of the thickness of the walls and from the inside of the building, is easily stained, resistant to gusts of wind, sunlight. With temperature fluctuations, it changes its volume in the same way as a brick wall. Therefore, no stresses arise, the plaster does not crack. Of course, this coating can also be damaged, but it is easy to repair. Finally, plastering mixtures are environmentally friendly and fire resistant.

Staging the plastering of the facade, it is useful to evaluate the possible disadvantages of such a coating.

Warm in this way the wall will not be possible. The plaster is not too durable, so at least cosmetic repairs will have to be done soon. And after two to three decades, it will be necessary to plaster again. Plaster is sensitive to chemical influences from the outside. Acid rains, gaseous emissions destroy its upper layer. This is significant if there is a lively vehicle, an industrial enterprise, a heat electrical center nearby nearby.

Additional stability and decorativeness of the plaster gives coloring. It is important to remember that facade paints do not last long, and you will have to paint the plaster every five to seven years.

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