High -quality metal doors at a reasonable price!

The Metal Products Plant is an enterprise to create doors and other metal products operating on the basis of the “Stock -as -Russian factory” since 1994. In this article, we suggest you get acquainted with all the necessary information about the products of this plant in order to ultimately acquire the best version of the metal door.

Which, in your opinion, makes the house truly comfortable and safe? Many, of course, will answer – a strong and reliable door. Others will add that it should also be beautiful. It is worth noting that the metal doors of this plant have all these qualities and are sold at the same time at relatively low prices.

At the moment, the factory has no shortage of the entrance doors of various price categories. The only difficulty when buying steel doors is their choice. The fact is that on the site

By the way, in addition to the doors at the Stankozavod plant, the following products are made: swing garage gates, gratings, polycarbonate awnings, metal cabinets, visors, fences, fences, ritual metal structures and much, much more than another.

In addition to the sale and production of “Metal Products”, it also is engaged in the professional installation of entrance steel doors in the city. The installation procedure, as a rule, consists of several stages:

1) purchase of a certain model of a metal door, as well as frozen the input opening. It is worth noting that you will not have to pay for the services of a consultant-commander.

2) alignment and preparation of the input opening. To replace the door, it will also be necessary to remove existing elements of the decor and fasteners.

3) direct installation carried out using modern power tools minimizing possible damage to wall structures.

4) configuration of joints.

5) checking and adjusting the locking mechanisms, as well as the transfer of all sets of keys to the customer.