How to maintain heat with plastic windows?

If your house is cold, but you recently changed the windows, you have every chance to make a stay in each room more comfortable. This will achieve excellent tightness of plastic structures, as well as proper ventilation of the premises, but it is worth knowing some other important rules in this area.

One of the main sources of heat loss in the room is the cracks, so it is worth immediately taking care. In addition, special attention should be paid to the seals – special elements that allow saving heating costs and make windows “warm”. They are necessary where the cracks between the windows and walls and the gaps inside the windows themselves are significant.

The next step is to properly organize the climate in the premises, which will contribute to:

· Organization of competent ventilation – it will provide free circulation of air without weathering of heat,

· Proper ventilation-in winter you need to ventilate the rooms quickly, opening the wings every 2-4 hours for only 4-6 minutes (you can ventilate the room as much as you want),

· Equipment with micro -brush holes – they will adjust the air flow, as well as climatic or supply valves – they will help to carry out air exchange, while contributing to the conservation of energy.

It is not so difficult to achieve heat loss in the house. The main thing is to choose the right window structures, and it is this element of insulation that will be one of the highest quality and most important for those who need to create the perfect climate without unnecessary efforts!