How to make a drywall ceiling?

Drywall is now very popular building material, since with its help you can do something original and unusual. It is used for aligning surfaces, and for the construction of walls, and for the design of the ceiling. Below we will consider how to make a ceiling from drywall sheets ourselves.

Of course, if you do this for the first time, then in this case it is better not to undertake anything unleashed, but to make a simple and even ceiling. Specialists with great experience and experience can make any composition from this building material, but this is already a matter of experience. In any case, the beginning of work with drywall looks the same. To fasten it to the ceiling, it is necessary to nail the metal profile and already fasten the chopped sheets on it.

Hypsum cardboard is mounted with special screws. This material is good because with it you can hide any defects and irregularities of the ceiling. If you have chosen such an option for lighting as Lightstar chandeliers or a chandelier of any other company, then the electric wire will need to be brought only to the center. If you have chosen spotlights, then the wires will have to be brought to each of them. The wires will pass under drywall and they will not have to be hidden – also a great advantage.

Then the drywall will need to be covered with an even thin layer of finish plaster, squeeze it to a perfect state and then paint it in any color you selected. Usually drywall is painted with water -based paint, which lays in an even layer. If you want to paint the ceiling in some other color, then add a few drops of color ring to white paint. Everything, your ceiling is already ready. It is very beautiful and quite affordable.