How to make a place for parking a car in the country

Everyone who has a cottage or garden plot knows that getting there on their own car is much more convenient than by bus or train.

At the same time, for such trips, it is not necessary to have a high and large car; If the road allows, then an ordinary car is enough, such as, for example, “Hyundai Solaris”. It will be much more convenient if you do not have to leave the car somewhere in the forest near the road, but it will be possible to park right on your site.

We make a parking lot

First of all, you need to choose a place where parking will be organized in the future. It should be even, convenient for the entrance to it and – if necessary – for a turn. For a regular passenger car, a 4 × 2.5 m -size site will be enough.

The parking space can be made in the following ways: by falling asleep with gravel; Bay with concrete; Having laid the paving slabs.

Concrete and paving slabs can only be used in areas where shear of earthen strata certainly does not occur, otherwise the concrete will go with cracks, and the tile will be separated.

We lay crushed stone

Laying crushed stone is the easiest way to organize a parking lot in a summer cottage. The construction of garden parking consists of the following stages: the top layer of soil is removed on the site; A layer of construction sand is poured on top of the prepared area; So that in the future the site does not lose its shape, a sidewalk is installed; A layer of crushed stone with a thickness of at least 15 cm is poured on top of the sand.

The only disadvantage of parking from crushed stone is its rapid clogging with garbage. It is necessary to monitor the order on the site, removing the leaves, branches, etc.