How to repair the roof in the country

If in the spring you arrived at the cottage, which was all the three previous seasons without your attention, then it is not surprising if you are met by such a nuisance as a flowing roof.

But do not rush to hire a roofer after detecting a malfunction. Perhaps the reason is the damage to the tile, which is covered with the roof, or violation of the integrity of the material located under it. You can do work on replacing tiles and restore protective material yourself.

Go to the construction store and purchase the required amount of tiles that need to be replaced, glue and material to restore the surface. Performing each item of the following instructions, you can easily fix the roof on your own.

With the help of chemicals, weaken the effect of the glue with which damaged tiles are attached.

With the help of mounting, carefully remove the desired tiles from the roof coating. Carefully raise each tab by about 45-60 degrees so that the whole tile does not crack. The old tile requires special accuracy, since over time it becomes very fragile. Be careful and put the seized tiles away from the edge of the roof so that they do not accidentally fall down.

In the formed area without tiles, restore the integrity of the lining, which protects the roof from leakage, using special glue or applying similar material.

After drying the glue on the restored surface, install new tiles and glue them, like the rest. It is advisable to attach tiles to cement with an admixture of glue.