Ideas for decorating a kitchen and living room in eco-style

An eco-style kitchen involves uniting with nature and maintaining a minimalist design. You can hide modern household appliances behind decorative facades and use furniture with transparent elements such as plastic and glass.

Adding natural elements such as wicker baskets and live plants will create an eco-friendly atmosphere. It is important to maintain minimalism and avoid unnecessary details in the decor.

An eco-style living room can have a more luxurious look by using natural flooring materials and solid wood furniture. The absence of unnecessary decorative elements and a restrained choice of textiles emphasize the style. Light paints, wooden panels and natural wallpaper are suitable for decoration.

Add natural elements such as aquariums, fireplaces and indoor plants to add a cozy feel to your living room. To zone the space, you can use bamboo partitions or curtains. Also, modern technology goes well with elements of nature, such as phytowalls or vertical gardening.