Individual abilities of each employee of a construction enterprise.

Disadvantages of this principle: limited flexibility in the operation of the unit; The contractor often ceases to directly in contact with the results of his work; interest in work is reduced, because when performing individual operations, the Contractor always perceives the general meaning of the work.

Advantages of the principle of combining operations: interchangeability of performers and increasing flexibility in the work of the department; expansion of the production horizons of the employee.

Disadvantages of this principle: duplication of individual operations; loss of working time when switching from one work to another; Reducing the quality of work performed.

The stated advantages and disadvantages of both principles indicate that when resolving issues of distribution of work between performers, a carefully thought -out organization corresponding to the specific conditions of the enterprise is required, and it should never be assumed that there are ready -made organizational decisions, or that you can adopt the experience of others without a critical assessment. Good companies always offer better conditions.

However, in all cases, when resolving issues of rational distribution of duties, the following requirements should be taken into account: clearly distribute basic and auxiliary works; evenly load all employees during the working day (week, month) with normal labor intensity at each workplace; allocate current, everyday, urgent and operational work from the total set of work performed; focus on decisions that can affect the interests of other units of the apparatus.