Installation of metal air pipelines

Steel parts are used for the manufacture of welded ducts. To protect them against corrosion and extend the life of operation on the working surface, a special primer layer is applied. This type of structures is used in ventilation systems, air injection and smoke removal, while the gas temperature can reach about 400-600 ° C. The main air ducts are an extensive network of pipes of various sections, which consists, in addition, of the retaining fans and special fire -fighting valves.

The frequency of repair work of air highways depends on the operating conditions, the presence or absence of various mechanisms in the schemes, as well as the features of the structures in which they are used. Modern welded ducts are repaired with mandatory observance of a number of rules. For example, all stretch marks, as well as suspensions, it is forbidden to fix in the places of connection of the elements of the air ducts.

The housing of the air line is necessarily clamped by metal clamps. The spaces of branching of the air ducts, provided that the wet air is moved in it additionally isolated. For this, it is recommended to use a special sealant. Installation work related to the assembly of air highways is not allowed, without observing technological maps. The assembly methods depend on the location of the segments relative to the floor or the presence of various engineering structures. During the installation of horizontal air pipelines, the distance between the fasteners should be observed within 4 m for round segments and 3 m for rectangular pipes.