Some types of construction work in construction provide for admission

Self -regulatory organizations – SPO are a new effective stage in the management of construction and control over all construction subjects. SRO is non -profit organizations whose main functions are the issuance of appropriate tolerances for the beginning of construction work, for design and survey work. Failure to comply with some companies sometimes leads violators to criminal liability. Certain types of construction work in construction are provided, which require compulsory membership in the SRO. At the present time, there are types of SROs that carry out construction, are engaged in design work and make research. SRO in construction is connected by companies that build buildings that repair, reconstruction. Self -regulatory organizations of designers are infuriated by work in the field of architecture. Exploreing SROs are predominantly engaged in engineering and survey work. The list of works today includes approximately 300 items. Admission to certain types of work is issued a profile SRO. At the same time, there are a number of types of work that does not need admission. Any companies that are not members of non -profit organizations can perform it. The main goal of creating a SRO is to increase performing liability during engineering and survey activities and various construction work. This provides for the direct liability of the SRO to customers for damage caused by any members of the non -profit association during the period of construction or other types of work.