The financial side of construction

Any construction process is accompanied by certain calculations of the estimated expenses, the control of which is simply necessary.

This is the basis of such a thing as the estimate for the construction of the house. Given all the seriousness and complexity required in the preparation of estimates in large construction organizations, there are specially created estimated departments, where employees are engaged in thorough calculations of costs. It should be remembered that the estimate must be listed in the list of documents regarding the construction of a particular residential object.

As a rule, this document includes the costs of building materials and for services for all work. One way or another, you need to understand the formation of estimates with the following questions:

– value and volume of work;

– the term of work;

– Equipment and technology used, as well as the number of materials required;

– Calculation of personnel;

– Forecasting stages and volumes of financing.

The estimate enables the client to control the construction process and the related financial aspects, compliance with the prescribed points.

Of course, estimates of various construction companies have a number of differences, even if the order is the same. Mainly, it all depends on the materials and their manufacturer, personnel, margins, vehicles used. So, the comparison of several estimates will greatly facilitate the choice of the customer and give a general idea of ​​the work of a company.

Firms with rich experience and a good reputation often use the method of joint discussion of estimates directly with the client, explaining all calculations, possible expenses, risks, inappropriate to save money, etc. P.