What is the cost of repair?

Before starting any repair, you should think over the types of finishes, the consumption of building material and take into account the necessary tool. If you want to repair a house or apartment with your own efforts, you need to prepare in advance. Write everything on paper – it will be more convenient and easier to adjust during the purchase process I finish. If you decide to carry out cosmetic repairs with the participation of designers, you should know: specialists will work according to their schedule. A specialist or a whole brigade as a long line, similar to fire hoses that will take measurements of all rooms, departs to you. This will take a certain time, since all sides of the walls, ceiling and floor in the rooms will be measured. After a couple of days, the owner will be provided with estimates for services and work, for the necessary technical means and consumption of materials. Before the estimate, all the stages of repairs are stipulated, which the customer wants to control. For example, you can refuse to install doors and windows if this service has already been ordered from the manufacturer. The cost of repairing apartments may vary quite much, it all depends on the team, which will be engaged in the repair. If the owner asks to formulate a full project, which includes finishing, design and furniture, then the approximate price of furniture, lighting devices, accessories, various decorative elements, switches, and so on will be included in the estimate. Before starting repair with the team of masters, an agreement is signed. It must contain mention of the estimate and the amount that the owner should be paid. The contract can be drawn up without seals, but without fail should be insisted on its signing by the second side, since without signatures this document will be considered invalid. Hoping for the decency and conscientiousness of the workers, they should be warned that you are aware of the acquisition of additional material in advance, and not confronted with the fact.