Production of high -quality sex when using the latest technologies

The choice of flooring should be treated very carefully, since your sexual coating is the maintenance of heat in the room and creating the most comfortable conditions for living and working.

Paul coatings are the following type:


Laminates and cork coatings

Ceramic tile

Stone and unusual materials

Wood: board and parquet

All of them have certain advantages, are used for the manufacture of floors in various rooms.

Linoleum and rubber coating are used mainly for the kitchen, have high water resistance and easily wash. The service life of this coating is 20-25 years.

Ceramic tiles can decorate the kitchen, bathroom, dining room. One of its characteristics is high thermal conductivity, so it is most often used in heated floors. The shelf life of this gender up to 40 years.

Stone and unusual materials are used in the construction of the floor covering of the first floors. This type of flooring has a very long service life, it has coldness. Therefore, it is used mainly in hot regions.

Wood: board and parquet are environmentally friendly natural material, but have one drawback – short -lived. After 10-15 years, you may need to replace or repair the floor covering.

Laminates and cork coatings are quite new building materials that have taken their worthy place in the building materials market.

Types of laminate

The laminate has differences in accordance with a specific class. It can be a grade 32 laminate, grade 33 laminate. It can be applied to the surface of any material, but it is necessary to align the floor using a screed, which is carried out in several stages. Laminate compared to other flooring covers a number of undeniable advantages. It is high impact resistance, heat resistance, moisture resistance, elasticity. Used in any room. Has a high service life.