Brick house: features of insulation

Despite the fact that brick has long been used as a running building material, it still has certain disadvantages – brick houses are quite cold. Not only is it necessary to spend a large amount of raw materials to heat such rooms, but it is not possible to maintain heat for a long time. With all the positive aspects of brickwork, such as strength, durability, etc. D. lack of sufficient thermal insulation big step back. Therefore, additional insulation of brick houses, the issue is quite relevant.

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The main insulation used for such insulation is mineral wool. Some developers use foam polystyrene slabs for these purposes. The insulation is attached to the wall using special adhesive mixtures. Any insulation, regardless of the fact that it is mineral wool or polystyrene foam, requires reinforcement.

Therefore, a reinforced grate or mesh is applied over the insulation. A primer fluid is applied to the fiberglass. The final stage of insulation – applying plaster. In this case, plaster performs not so much a decorative function as the insulation protects against damage. An expensive cerosyte mixture used to plastered the wall can be replaced with a white cement, which is subsequently painted.