Garage and handlog

With garage storage, the air temperature in the parking room should be at least +5 °. Garages on construction sites, as a rule, are located on plants of production enterprises in such a way that the zero runs of the machines are minimal.

The placement of cars in the garage depending on the entrance and exit can be dead -end and direct -flow, and the arrangement of cars can be one -row, two -row and multi -row.

Garages can be with internal driveways and without internal driveways, with the installation of cars at right angles and at an acute angle to the passage. According to the conditions of insulation of machines, storage is divided into boxing and manners; boxing storage at construction sites, as a rule, is not carried out. The design and construction of garages are carried out in accordance with GOST 2717-44, on the basis of which all garages are divided into 4 categories.

In order to better use the production area of ​​small garages for 5-10-25 machines of permanent maintenance and repair, they are combined with the cost of storage of the car. In garages up to 10 cars, the sink is produced outdoors, and in garages for 25 cars or more – in a closed room.

With lightless storage of cars, they distinguish:

1) a method of temporary handgrast storage, as a rule, used on construction sites in the initial period of construction organization;

2) a method.

An unfavorable period for lightless storage is winter with a negative ambient temperature, which causes harmful phenomena in machines:

1) freezing of water in the cooling system, as a result of which there are rupture of the tubes in the radiator and the formation of cracks in the walls of the water shirt of the cylinder block;

2) freezing of water in the fuel wiring in case of random hits of it into the fuel;

3) a change in the quality of the working mixture that makes it difficult to launch the engine due to poor evaporation, and therefore the reverulation of the mixture;

4) a change in the quality of the lubricant due to the increase in the viscosity of the oil in the crankcase, which makes it difficult to turn the crankshaft when the engine is launched;

5) change in the operation of the ignition system, which occurs due to a decrease in the temperature of the electrolyte of the battery.