How to expand the space in the bathroom

Small bathrooms with a combined bathroom are the problem of many apartments of our state. Millions of people are tormented by square meters in this room. People just don’t know how to place all the interior items correctly, so that it looked beautiful, and there was where to turn around. In fact, there are several techniques, thanks to which you can at least slightly expand the space in the bathroom.

First, the right choice of toilet, washbasin and bathroom itself. Toilets for small bathrooms are best chosen with a suspended tank. It can easily be removed behind the leapshafts, which will be in the riser. If you need a bidet, a hygienic shower joins such a toilet, which fully performs the necessary functions. By the way, when installing the toilet, remember that it should be at least twenty centimeters from the wall at a distance of at least twenty centimeters, otherwise you will squeeze it out like a crab.

It’s best to choose a suspended moat – this is how you can also save space. Under such a washbasin, you can put a basket for linen or detergents. It is better not to put a bath in a small room, but to replace it with a shower. If you also provide it with a catwalk, then the bathroom will look more spacious and original.

If you decide to buy large -scale meters, then before you do it you need to learn a lot on this topic. Large coniferous plants should plant experts. They will do everything right and the trees will take root well. Pines and ate will significantly deduct the ecology in your cottage or near the house.