How to prepare for the foundation laying correctly.

No construction of the house can do without laying the foundation, and it is very difficult to overestimate its importance. In no case do not try to save on the laying of the foundation, because this is the main component in the construction of houses. For work, use modern and affordable building materials and take care of very carefully not only the design process, but also the production of the foundation itself.

Various miscalculations and errors that you can make when designing and in the production of the foundation of the house will entail large unforeseen expenses that will be aimed at correcting all the shortcomings and flaws of the already built house. Naturally, in emergency situations, furniture in your house may also suffer.

Before starting the direct laying of the foundations, it is necessary to obtain information about the places of future buildings and the ground, where it is supposed to build houses at home. Such information may be provided to you by the architectural service specialists. But the most reliable way to obtain reliable information about one or another soil is the tear of foundation pits with a depth of at least two meters. Optimal, sandy or so -called rocky soils are rightfully considered.

For example, in order to lay the foundation on a stony or rocky soil with pebbles and gravel, you need to dig a pit with a depth of 500 to 700 millimeters. But on sandy soil, the foundation should be laid to such a depth that should not be less than the depth of freezing of soils on a particular area. The architecture service may provide complete information about the depth of freezing.