How to cover the house with siding correctly?

If you have your own home, then you can only say one thing – you are lucky! After all, how great it is not to have neighbors, and the whole nearby area is used as you want. But you would probably also like your house to attract attention more than once. And the best assistant will be siding in this. It is not at all difficult to put the house with siding on your own, and the attention of neighbors and passing people will be guaranteed. So, how to properly upload the house with siding?

The first thing to do is completely clean the facade of the house from any items. It should be perfectly even and smooth. Then you can start nailing the boards, the distance of the boards from each other should be approximately 40 cm. The boards should also be located vertically. Please note that the nail does not need to clog to the very stop: there should be some distance between the nail hat and the boiler, since the siding should be able to freely move. All panels must be tried freely, without any tension – this is the meaning of siding. Actually, the main work ends on this, only some little things remain, which you can easily cope with yourself.

Always be careful when choosing siding. Here it matters in which area you live: in windy or not. It is better, of course, will be consulted by the seller, he probably understands this more.

And the last: if you are not sure that you can install siding yourself, it will be better to contact a specialist. Of course, this will cost you a certain amount, but you will be guaranteed to be sure of the successful completion of work and as the installed siding.