How to restore the damaged floor

During the repair, we often find parts of the floor that lost their color and lost smoothness. Grinding and varnishing can return their original attractiveness to them. But this requires the right professional or semi -professional tool. First you need to expose the floor. Then it is required to remove the skirting board, and if this is not possible, then at least protect them using an adhesive tape. The next step is cloves. If you see a sticking hat – hit it with a hammer. If any parts of the floor are staggering, they must be fixed with additional nails. Then you should clean the surface of fine garbage with a vacuum cleaner or broom. Now you can start grinding procedures. On the edges of the floor, light grinding is used using vibration grinder. In those places where there are strongly noticeable to the eye of the recess or cracks, you can apply a waltz grinder. For this, sandpaper with different sizes of grain is used, the use of which varies depending on the degree of damage. The machine should move diagonally to the fibers. The next grinding step is the use of rotational grinders. Enj it is usually attached to the working part with sticky tape. Such a grinder operates with extensive circular movements. Когда большая часть работы сделана, и поверхность пола первозданно ровна, необходимо, после проведения очистки от мелкой пыли, прошпаклевать мелкие трещины, канавки от гвоздей и прочие неровности. Then these places are polished again, and thorough cleaning is carried out again. The next step is priming. It is produced, depending on the needs and capabilities, or once or two. The primer is applied to the surface with a large brush or roller. The final stage – varnishing. The varnish is applied in two even layers on the entire surface, one perpendicular to the other. This will give the floor a complete appearance, as well as protect it from external influences.