Moscow simplifies the transfer of housing into a non -residential fund

The portal of public services of the capital began receiving electronic applications involving housing transfer to a non -residential fund and vice versa. This service, according to the Moscow Department of Information Technology, is provided free of charge. To get a service, the applicant needs to register on the site, fill out a special questionnaire indicating the address and area of ​​the room. Then scanned title documents and plans for the premises and reconstruction are applied to the questionnaire. The application in this way is subject to consideration within 30 business days.

Further development of the services provided to Muscovites is doubled to reduce the number of documents attached to the application.

Personal account of the user, which is created on the site, allows you to control the user all the stages of the passage of his application. The final document is the order of the prefect in which the premises are recognized as residential or non -residential. The authorities believe that the innovation will simplify the problems of small businesses, since earlier, in order to carry out such procedures with premises, it was necessary to contact different district instances personally. And the term for consideration of applications, with the previous procedure, reached 45 business days.

Note that when submitting an application, legislative norms should be borne: transfer of apartments to a non -residential fund is allowed only for housing located on the ground floor of an apartment building, provided that a separate entrance to housing or if there is an opportunity to build such an entrance. Can be transferred to the non -residential fund and apartments of the second floor, but subject to the presence of non -residential areas under them. Usually, shops, offices, cafes or restaurants open in such rooms.