Natural materials in the construction of a summer residence

Although today there are more and more innovative materials in the construction market, natural raw materials are still preferred in the case of the construction of a summer residence. Last summer cottages can withstand a variety of weather disasters. They also create a favorable atmosphere in the room and look very pretentious. The arrangement of the house is also an important process that should be paid attention to after construction.

The greatest effectiveness of the construction of such buildings is ensured by the use of a gallected log. He is characterized by a very dense fit and a small amount of waste when using.

One of the modern natural materials for the construction of summer cottages is thermalmodrevsin. These are ordinary logs processed in a special way, which gives wood to important quality characteristics. Among them: increased resistance to decay processes and water -repellent properties. The thermal -breeding from ordinary wood is favorably distinguished by the fact that it is very resistant to fires. Her pests are also not terrible for her.

As for the interior decoration, most owners prefer rural topics. But do not refuse modern ways. For example, gypsum plaston ceiling is unlikely to somehow violate harmony in a house designed in a rustic style. Ceiling panels and lining are suitable, as well as suspended materials made as an imitation of a natural tree.

It is worth paying attention and protecting the walls from dampness, because it is necessary to remember that the main danger when using wood is rotting. In this case, the installation of the ventilation system will help.