Photopicopter – original solution

More recently, a new material for decorating rooms has appeared – this is a photo tile. Every year this material is gaining popularity from consumers.

With its help, you can originally transform your apartment or other premises. This tile is most often used when finishing baths or kitchens.

The manufacture of photo stages is made by applying the picture to ordinary ceramic tiles using a special technology. This technology provides for the manufacture of a photo of fecal glass tiles.

This gives the material increased strength and resistance to abrasion. It is difficult to distinguish such tiles from ordinary ceramic tiles.

In a photo of the tile, the surface is smooth to the touch, while the surface does not scratch, and the pattern is clear and bright. The manufacturers achieve such clarity by using the method of penetrating the paint into the polymer coating, which was previously applied to ceramic tiles.

The image may be on one tile or place on several tiles, which by adding make up a single pattern. Dimensions photo tiles can reach a size of 1.5×1.5.

Photo stable is used in the design of a variety of baths: piece tiles that correspond to the interior style, t. e. correspond to the main background of the room; Part of the walls are faced with a photo with tiles in the form of a picture or panel; All the walls of the bathroom consist completely of the photo of the tile.

You can use in the finish of the kitchen in different ways: photo tile in the form of photopanorama; Separate photos of pictures located on the glass or on the walls of the room.