What building materials are needed in the construction of the house

The construction of a country house for many is a dream, someone wants to build it exclusively with their own hands, someone decides not to take risks, and hire experienced specialists who will do it more professional and faster. But in both cases, building materials for construction are needed, and the main thing in this matter is to approach the choice of materials with all responsibility and choose only high -quality materials, but they will need them not a few.

First of all, bulk mixtures, astringent materials, as well as finishing, paintwork, roofing, wall and insulating materials will be necessary.

Consider each type of materials in more detail. The astringent materials include cement, it is applied quite widely, and has strength; clay, has plasticity, and lime. Assigning materials are used along with loose: sand, expanded clay, gravel and gravel. All these are necessary for the installation of the foundation, as well as for finishing work. Then it will be necessary to choose insulating materials, since the house should be warm and comfortable. Insulating materials are of different types: reflective, waterproofing, thermal insulation, noise insulation. The installation of these materials on their own is very difficult, so it is better to contact specialists. For the roof of the roof, you must first also choose the material, it can be flexible tiles or metal tiles, roller roof materials. Flexible tiles have good quality indicators: strength, durability, noise insulation.

Paints, primers, putty, varnishes, varnishes, for each individual material and type of work are used as paint and varnishes, it is necessary to purchase its paintwork, taking into account the characteristics of the paintwork material, the scope and staining conditions. It is also necessary to purchase building materials for internal and external decoration of the house. All materials must be bought after consultation with the master.