What to take into account in the repair of Khrushchev’s apartment?

Khrushchev’s apartments are usually attributed to small -sized apartments, which today occupy a certain part of our market. Before you start repairing such housing, you should know its features. The kitchen in such an apartment is usually small, all rooms have low ceilings, and the bathroom is combined. Such apartments are easily redeveloped, since only external walls are considered the load -bearing walls, and all other walls can be safely removed and built by your own. When repairing such apartments, you can use modern materials, but work should be entrusted to specialists, and it is better to order a turnkey service and thereby dealing with your business, for example, you can not be distracted from such a thing as the development of sites that brings good income.

When repairing an apartment in Khrushchevka, you should know that in such an apartment all the floors are very thin and they are located on beams made of reinforced concrete, which are the supporting structures, but they cannot be demolished in any case. They can only be sewn into the gimmic boxes, putty and painted. After the redevelopment of the apartment is executed, you can proceed to the processes of alignment of surfaces and this should be done using technology.

When the walls are touched for cable and outlets, you need to be neat, since the walls are very thin. If the bathroom is not combined in the apartment, then it can be combined with the bathroom and expanded a little at the expense of the corridor, you can also do it with the kitchen area if the layout of the apartment allows this. It is important when repairing a small apartment to take into account all the nuances and details, so worry in advance about the development of the design – project where everything will be taken into account and even before the arrangement of furniture.