What you need to know about hinged ceilings

What does an ordinary consumer actually understands about hinged ceilings? In most cases, only that rack (consist of duralumin races, in appearance similar to the lining) and tiles, t. e. squares. The information of the given is definitely not enough in order to arrange the right choice in the repair of your living space.

The hinged system is a set of iron racks with a cut of the form of the letter “T” and connected to each other into a modular grid. The principle of their strengthening is quite simple: in the ceiling with a drill, a perforator, holes are made into which dowels are inserted. Special hooks are attached to the dowels, on which the modular mesh is suspended. Plates are inserted into the resulting iron base. Similarly with ease and free of them, if such a need arises, it is possible to pull out. Around the circumference, the room is outlined by a ceiling plinth.

When acquiring a hinged ceiling, it is necessary to direct close attention to the “unity” of the attachment system and plates. Malent merchants tend to touch sometimes a “non -native” suspension system. In other words, tiles are from the 1st manufacturer, and the hinged system is other. On the head of such a ceiling, it may not fall, although it can simply stretch out. Problems in repair and maintenance in such a situation are also almost guaranteed – various systems do not fit well with each other.

Regardless of the apparent simplicity of the process of strengthening the ceiling, this operation is to entrust this operation. It is worth taking up the case personally only if you need to finish the ceiling in a tiny room. In all other options, it is much better to use the proposals of the sales company.