Why is the floor cycles needed

Each master of repairs is known that any interior transformation does not begin at all with the replacement of furniture, but with the ceiling and floor. It is the floor covering that can fundamentally change the concept of your living or office premises. In order for the floor to look more fresh, you do not need to remove it (especially if it is a parquet). It is worth carrying out only the floor cycles. A correctly performed procedure will not only replace you with a major overhaul of the flooring, will extend the operational period for a long time, but will also significantly improve the appearance of the room.

Those who decide to carry out the cyclovis procedure are worried how affordable is its price. So the floor cycles of the floor has a proportional floor area, its condition, as well as your final expectations. Usually it ranges from a thousand to three thousand dollars per square meter of parquet. Experts note that this figure is many times less than a new flooring.

Stages of the cycle

Parquet cycles always takes place in several stages. The first of them is rough grinding. It means simple combing of the upper layer of parquet in such a way that two to three millimeters of wood are removed. It is the upper layer that is the most uneven, rough. He is fraught with a predominant number of cracks. But in general, it is not at all rough grinding, but a thin. It is the thin grinding that is called the second stage of the cycle. During it, it is necessary to walk through the entire area of ​​the flooring with a thin grinding machine, and remove the smallest cracks and scratches that run under the upper layer. All hard -to -reach places, corners are subjected to thin grinding. Experts note that grinding the parquet costs as much as many angles and hard -to -reach places are in the room.

The third, last step in cycles is usually called the painting of the floor. The flooring is opened either with varnish, or first painted, and then varnished. The first time the parquet cycle is carried out when laying it. Then for these purposes use manual or thin grinding. Then the procedure should be repeated every five years. Since such a service as cycle parquet has an acceptable cost, it will not become burdensome for you.

If the state of the parquet can be called unsatisfactory, then grinding can be carried out once every two years. This is usually characteristic of offices, industrial premises, warehouses.