Facebook will build a residential quarter

Facebook voiced plans for the construction. the quarter, which will be located next to his office campus in California, Menlo Park, reports The Wall Street Journal, after a qualitative translation of the presented information was conducted.

Presumably in this section of 4 hectares, 394 houses will be placed. In addition to housing in this quarter, which has the name Anton Menlo and its total area of ​​58,500 square meters. meters, and all the necessary infrastructure will appear here – these are shops, and a cafe, a gym and a pool of spa, bars, bicycle repair services, and pets care. About $ 120 million investments will be invested in this project. The construction of the quarter will be engaged in the development company ST. Anton Partners.

San Francisco Chronicle also reports that if the project is approved, then the construction will begin in November of this year, and will end by 2016. The construction of the quarter will help reduce the lack of housing in this city, because often an employee of the company has to get to work for a long time, in addition, a housing deficit gave rise to a sharp increase in housing prices in Silicon Valley. In this quarter, the house will be able to buy or rent everyone. The city authorities signed an agreement with the construction company, according to which 15 houses were booked for the poor, and the prices for them will be below the market.

Facebook headquarters moved to Menlo Park from the city of Palo Alto at the end of 2011. A little earlier, a complex of 10 buildings was rented by Sun Microsystems. Now social. The network expands the campus thanks to the Frank Heri project. The company’s office complex can be considered the best in terms of working conditions among other similar.