Features of landscape design in eco-style

Landscape design in a fashionable eco-style is most often preferred by sophisticated people who have good taste, but at the same time believe that natural simplicity and naturalness conceal the highest harmony, which the creations of human hands often do not reach.

This idea can be called the main concept of eco-style in landscape design.

Today this trend is incredibly popular in Western Europe and real examples of the style are created by Western architects and landscape designers.

It is believed that the more complex the landscape of the site, the more natural plantings, stumps, boulders, etc. there are, the easier it is to create a “naturgarden” – a natural garden, as opposed to a flat and empty site, which will require more effort and expense. In other words, for owners of non-standard plots, this style can be a real find, because even a swamp or ravine can turn from a problem into a real decoration.

Eco gardens are often called “gardens for lazy people.” In fact, such a garden really does not need constant and painstaking care, but a simply neglected and unkempt area cannot be passed off as eco-style, since the ecological landscape has its own appearance, style and characteristics.