Do you need a video house in a house or apartment

In principle, the intercom is a useful thing. No need to open the door for each call. The video intercom is even better. With it, you can see who is behind the doors, and in what quantity. This is especially relevant at the present time with the current revelry of crime. To install an intercom in a city apartment, the best way out will be the installation of the eye on the door leading to the block or to the landing. This is dictated by security considerations. The door is equipped with a magnetic lock, which is triggered when the button is pressed from the apartment. At leisure it will not be superfluous to learn more about the semi -automatic inverter type. If you are in good relations with neighbors, you can order and install the door opening buttons in their apartments. At the cost you will only win. If the installation of a video domain in one apartment will cost about $ 600, then installing a system for 4 apartments will cost about $ 1,000 dollars.

In a private house, a video intercom can also be useful. But only on condition that the entire perimeter of the land is well protected by the fence. Otherwise, it turns into an unnecessary thing. This is dictated by the fact that it is most profitable to put this device at the entrance to the courtyard, mounting in the fence of a gate or gate. The principles of installation are the same as in the apartment. But many experts do not like to take up the installation of video documents located on the street, citing the fact that this system does not tolerate the influence of weather conditions. In this case, you just need to look for more qualified specialists.