How to care for metal -plastic and wooden windows

Nowadays, during the construction of apartment buildings, metal -plastic or high -quality wooden frames are immediately put in the window span, so the owners of the apartments are not worried about their replacement. It remains only to care for them, but it is not easy. With proper care of the windows, they can serve for a long time and as intended.

Plastic windows are best cleaned with water with dishes washed or special solutions. It is forbidden to use abrasive agents. Wooden windows should not be cleaned with means in which acid, abrasives and all that the tree can be corroded.

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The best care of wooden windows is the products intended for furniture care. Glass should be cleaned with a leather rag, after moistening with warm water. Means that contain solvents, use is prohibited. You should also wipe dust and dirt from rubber seals as often as possible and lubricate the movable parts with oil or grease. They should not contain resin or acid. When installing all types of windows, the specialist regulates the movement of accessories. Blocking windows with various items, contributes to damage.

Thus, do not clutter, lubricate and wipe, and your windows will not bother you.