How to choose the right brigade for repair in the apartment?

Overhaul in the apartment requires a large amount of work. Such work according to the forces of any construction organization. Ads and advertising on construction and repair services a lot. But how to choose the right, how to prevent mistakes? Recommendations for the right choice:

Choosing at the rates of work

When contacting a construction company, offer to familiarize you with the estimates of the previous work of the team. You can see the names of the services they provide. Select materials close to your repair work. Study the rates for the performance of these work and compare those that you previously wrote out in such companies.

Personal contact

When selecting performers of the repair of your apartment, it is preferably more personal communication with potential contractors. By doing so, you can see and hear various options for solving your issue. There will be something to compare and what to choose from. The main issues discussed with different groups will be from such a plane: a project and a plan for carrying out work, estimated estimate, purchase of building materials. If you have decided on the choice of the brigade, then it is advisable to look at the passports. It is possible that this will be needed when resolving judicial disputes.

Control inspection

For personal opinion about the capabilities and quality of the work of specialists, it is advisable to visit several objects made by the brigade selected. This will give you an actual vision of your upcoming repair.

Only under the contract

A construction company or a private team of builders who have chosen you must cooperate with the client only under the contract. These are your guarantees and protection. The company, as a legal entity, is much safer in terms of the risk of possible construction problems. In any case, the choice is yours.

The contract for repair work must meet legal norms. It should reflect the issues of all types of work and the terms of their performance, the cost of work, the procedure for acquiring materials and their cost, penalties in violation of the deadlines for the performance of work, the procedure for signing the acceptance certificate of completed work.