How to get rid of cracks on the ceiling

Usually over time at the junction of ceiling concrete floors, cracks form. In wooden houses, things are much worse, since the ceilings are made either from drywall or have a significant layer of plaster. Our tips will help you get rid of cracks on the ceiling forever!

Buy the following tools for work: fine -grained sandpaper, rubber gloves, hard brush, wallpaper glue, painting roller. Do not forget to buy the necessary materials: putty, water-emulsion paint, ceiling fiberglass wallpaper. If you have all the above at hand, then we will start work!

Preparatory work before covering the surface of the ceiling with paint, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, we seal all the cracks and get rid of the defects, putting the surface. After that, the surface must be treated with sandpaper. Next, we primer the ceiling with a wallpaper glue, by a third diluted with water.

After the ceiling is completely dry, we apply a layer of glue on it. Next, you need to stick fiberglass wallpaper on the ceiling, pay attention, you should do this. Then carefully smoothed the wallpaper with a hard brush.

Repair in old houses when repairing an old house having wooden floors, it is necessary to use a plaster glasses with 2×2 mm cells, since pasting with glass fiber wallpaper is not effective enough for this case. It will be necessary to plunge and grind this grid, as well as to carry out its primer and pasting with a spider web. This is the most effective method, thanks to which you can get rid of the cracks on the ceiling.

You will need to dilute the water-dispersion paint by about 10-30% with water, and then perform the primer primer with this solution. Then you should wait for the surface to dry and put all the joints and minor defects. After that, with the help of the emery, we will make the surface even. And at the final stage, we will paint the ceiling with water-emulsion paint.