How to install a metal door

If you want the front door to serve you for a long time, it is not enough to install it correctly. It is necessary to serve it in a timely manner. The installation of a new door begins with getting rid of the old. It is also necessary to remove the old box from the doorway. After that, the door is removed from the loops. If it was wooden, then the dismantling of the old door box is as follows. Three saws are made on it – one in the middle, two others on the side walls. You can do this with a hacksaw. After that, the box is removed with a crowbar or a nail. With a metal door you will have to tinker. You can’t do without the use of a grinder here. After the old door leaf was removed, and the box is removed, you can proceed to the installation of a new door.

Among the methods with the use of which metal doors are installed, fixation is popular with special plates. It is also one of the most effective. Outside, the door is located flush with the wall. Inside, the plate is fixed with anchors or reinforcement driven into the wall. Another installation method is to fix the door with anchor bolts that are spread through the holes made from the inside. Later they are masked with plugs that are selected to the color of the door leaf.

Before fixing the door, it must be leveled with a level – first horizontally, then vertically. After that, the intervals are filled with mounting foam, which will also play a role in fixing the door. You can also make a heater that protects against noise and heat loss. Now it remains only to adjust and grease the door.