How to install a roof on the balcony?

I think that you all know very well that the benefit in the apartment can bring not only living space, but also the rest of the premises, for example, the balcony. Moreover, you should not think that only a huge loggia will come in handy on the farm, a small balcony can also become a very cozy place. If you are the owner of the apartment on the top floor, then you need to think about installing on the balcony – roof. Such a necessary process as installing roofs on balconies will protect you from unnecessary precipitation and gusty winds. Moreover, it is best if the roof is as simple as possible, practical and will not eat extra square meters. It is best if you install a roof on the balcony, which will represent a regular canopy, with a slope from the wall. Moreover, the larger the angle of the slope, the more finishing materials will spend.

However, on the roof, which is installed at an angle of 75 degrees, less snow will linger than on a roof with a slope of 15 degrees. At the very beginning, it is necessary to decide on the materials from which the frame of the future roof will be made. It can be wooden or metal. The tree is considered cheaper material, however, very durable and easy to process. The metal is safer – it will protect the apartment from fire and uninvited guests.

You are very lucky if the balcony has already been installed on the balusters with wooden linings. However, check them for strength, rotten boards and railing must be replaced immediately. Everything else is a great basis for the future frame. Now is the time to determine the size of the roof. The basis can be the growth of the highest family member. Plus add 15-20 centimeters to this figure so that the roof does not hang over your head and does not irritate.