How to paste the walls with wallpaper

Wallpaper wallpaper – an unchanged attribute of absolutely any repair. However, this does not surprise, because the wallpaper is actually very convenient to use. They are many times more practical than the paint, they can be redeemed at any time, especially since the assortment of stores today allows you to choose exactly what you like. It is not at all difficult to glue the wallpaper on your own, however, if you are still not fully confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust this business to professionals. Again, today there are a lot of brigades that quickly and efficiently pour walls with wallpaper. Well, if you are still sure that you yourself can cope with this simple business, then we will consider how to stick the wallpaper correctly. Start by choosing the necessary tools. This, of course, is glue, brush and the wallpaper itself. When choosing glue, you can consult with the seller. When choosing wallpaper, be careful: if possible, expand all the tubes and inspect the wallpaper, because it often happens that the drawing on the wallpaper does not quite match. The preparation of the premises for repair is important. It is advisable to remove the furniture, what is impossible to remove from the room, it is necessary to cover with a special film. Remove the old wallpaper from the walls. Please note: the walls should be perfectly smooth and even if there are any dents or gaps on the walls, they should be plastered. Dilute the glue strictly according to the instructions. When applying glue to the wallpaper strip, try not to overdo it: the glue should lie in an even layer. Put the wallpaper tightly, simultaneously smoothing them over the entire surface. To consolidate the result on the wallpaper, you can go through a special roller. Do not ventilate the room for two to three days.