How to prepare walls for wallpaper wallpaper.

You decided to make repairs at home and glue wallpaper, but before starting this occupation, you need to prepare the walls. You can’t just take and glue the new ones on old dirty wallpapers, because they will either lag behind or swell, in general, all your work will go to smart. How to prepare walls? First of all, delete the old wallpaper. To do this, sprinkle them from the spray gun with warm water, then let it soak a little, and feel free to remove the wallpaper with a spatula. Currently, if you cannot choose a design project of apartments, then you can always see its examples by passing the given link. And also on this site you will find a lot of useful and interesting information about the design of apartments and their development. Forgot to say the most important thing: cover the floor in the room where work will be carried out, an oilcloth or old newspapers, since the preparation of walls for wallpaper wallpaper is a very dirty and dusty procedure. Let’s get back to the walls. After you removed the old wallpaper, inspect the wall for the presence of cracks and bumps. If you find them, then they must be covered with a cement mortar, a mixture of gypsum and sand or putty, and if the walls have retained traces of whitewashing, then it must be eroded with water.

The wall, the surface of which is covered with oil or enamel, is cleaned with sandpaper, since the wallpaper is very poorly glued to such surfaces. If the walls of them can be aligned with putty, apply putty on the entire area of ​​the wall, let it dry, and clean it with sandpaper. Clean the walls treated in this way of dust, and only then can you start pasting with wallpaper.