Reliability proven for centuries is a cement-sand roof

For every person, the house is his fortress and protection. And what protection can we talk about when all weather conditions find themselves right on the head? If it rains in the house, then it’s time to urgently change the roof. Installation of a canopy for a home using cement-sand tiles is economical and performed relatively easily and quickly.

The availability of cement-sand tiles.

Cement-sand tiles were used already in the twentieth century, but due to the complexity of the production process, it was quite expensive. Such a roof was mainly covered by the houses of wealthy and rich people. Modern technologies made it possible to simplify the process of manufacturing cement-sand tiles, and its price has become much lower and more affordable.

If, you decide to choose a roof of cement-sand tiles to cover the roof, then, for starters, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons of such a coating; What are her properties; Distinctive features of tile installation. This is necessary in order to eventually get exactly the result that you expected.

The process of production of cement-sand tiles:

1. A cement solution is poured into special forms, in which quartz sand was added.

2. After the mixture is completely dried, so that the tiles acquire maximum strength, its surface is treated with a special solution.

A, since, the firing of such a tile is not required, its cost is much lower than ceramic.

The positive properties of cement-sand tiles:

– Durability, its life can reach almost a hundred years;

– acceptable cost;

– individual unique style;

– steadily tolerates severe climatic conditions;

– fire -resistant;

– Installation is quite simple;

– Ease of maintenance;

– Great heat, noise, and waterproofing.

How, and any material, the tile has not only positive properties, but also negative. When choosing a coating for a roof, you must take into account all the nuances.