Why is it necessary to serve a house from a bar during a shrinkage

In recent years, there has been an active demand for projects from the bar on the construction market. Developers are attracted by a relatively low cost and at the same time excellent operational characteristics of the technology. But do not forget that first of all, a timber house is wooden and therefore requires special care, especially in the first year of operation.

Everyone knows that the tree is drying out over time. Of course, carefully processed material is used to build modern cottages. But in any case, the wooden building is subject to shrinkage, which manifests itself, as a rule, in the first months after the construction is completed. That is why it is very important to correctly put the house into operation and competently monitor the construction during the shrinkage.

In the first pairs, it is necessary to carefully ventilate the house. This is done so that the wooden structures dry out evenly. The room should be warmed up slowly, increasing the air temperature per day by no more than 1-2 degrees in order to avoid the formation of cracks. In addition, during living, it is recommended to maintain the optimal level of temperature and humidity in the home. All this can do the owner of the house on his own.

As for observing the shrinkage of the structure, not everyone can cope with this task. Therefore, at present, many large firms leading the construction of houses from the beam provide services for the maintenance of houses.

The question is brewing: why invite an outsider and why the owner of the house cannot cope with this? It was noted above that the house from the beam in the first year gives a shrinkage. That is why the design of such a house provides for the presence of elements, with the help of which a uniform sediment is regulated in the future. These are shrinkage jacks, technological gaps, studs, etc. It is unlikely that all this is familiar to the amateur.

What can happen if you do not react to the shrinkage of the house? In this case, sooner or later a skew will occur. And as a result, there can be jamming of doors, windows, roof defect, the appearance of cracks and other undesirable consequences. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to timely identify the problem and quickly correct the situation.

Typically, maintenance is carried out several times a year. It is worth noting that some companies carry out wooden houses and provide a similar service during the year for free as warranty service. Others charge a fee for this. The complex of maintenance services includes control over the precipitation of the house, adjusting the jacks, monitoring the rafter system, adjusting the windows and doors, inspection of the state of the foundation, etc. D.

In fairness, it is worth noting that houses from glued beams are also shrink. It is no more than 3 %, but still takes place to be. Therefore, you need to be careful about the assertion of some companies that in such a house you can start finishing immediately after the construction is completed!