Beautiful ceiling decoration with your own hands

Now foam ceiling tiles are used in the decoration of many rooms. It is characterized by good operational characteristics, and have a low cost. Of course, in exquisite and expensive interiors it is not used. But for decoration of ceilings in medical institutions, kindergartens, apartments, this tile is suitable.

But before you purchase it, you should know what species there are ceiling tiles. It is divided into three types: injection, pressed, extruded. All of them are made of polystyrene foam, but through different ways. The thickness of the pressed tile is about 7 mm. Her drawing is granular. When performing the repair, you should also think about other finishing materials. By the way, acrylic putty is perfect for high -quality decoration of wood products, for example, windows, doors and furniture.

But in injecting tiles, the thickness is within 10-13 mm. It is produced by staining a strip of polystyrene. As a rule, such a tile is smooth and has no granularity.

In addition to the type of ceiling tile, it is very important to take into account other parameters. Its edges and angles should be absolutely even. It is also unacceptable to have any dents or rounding. In addition, when buying tiles, put in a column and check whether its edges coincide. You need to look at the material itself. There should be the same granularity over the entire surface of the finishing material. Its edges and other parts should not fall off and pour. It’s very easy to check. If stamped tiles are purchased, then you need to take it by the edges and shake it. Good quality material under its weight will not break.