For finishing modern repair work, textured plaster is used more and more often. It is used both for internal finishing work (creating stylish interiors on ceilings and walls), and for external ones, creating original facades.

Plaster is distinguished by its basis:

Acrylic. Plaster, which is based on acrylic resins. A distinctive feature can be called high resistance to external factors of influence. A significant disadvantage is low vapor permeability. Sold in the form of a mixture ready for working.

Mineral. The main component is cement. Enough refractory, has excellent vapor permeability. Implemented in the form of a dry powder mixture.

Silicate. The basis of which is liquid glass. It has excellent vapor permeability. A small consideration of coloring is considered to be a significant disadvantage, while quite expensive. Sold in the form of a mixture ready for working.

Silicone, based on silicone resins. Advantages – excellent vapor permeability, resistance to dirt, perfectly holds color, a wide selection of colors. Minus – high cost, but quite justified by quality. Sold in the form of a packaged finished mixture.

For each product, as they say, there is its own buyer. Some prefer quality, others are determined by the cost. If you rely on “save now” when choosing a plaster, then you should choose only a dry mixture.

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