How to choose and install attic windows correctly

Mansard windows, unlike standard windows, due to its design, can be built into inclined roofs.

These windows should resist any external influences, as well as be resistant to streams, storms, sunlight. To ensure protection in the attic windows, a hot impact -resistant glass is built, which is processed with a wide variety of varnishes, thanks to which wood is protected from fungi, insects and other natural influences. Polyurethane coating has water -repellent properties.

Before installing an attic window, you need to think over the way of opening them in a certain place. You should also take into account the length of the step of the rafters, and this is nothing more than the distance between the roof structure and beams.

Before starting the installation of attic windows, you need to prepare all the tools. Metal salaries must be installed along the perimeter of the window, so the tightness of the roof will not be disturbed. In this situation, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the roof was made, and that the roofing material is subject to.

It should also be remembered that thermal insulation and the window block should fit as much as possible to each other. Thanks to this, additional enhanced thermal insulation of the window is achieved.

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