Clover promotes plans for the construction of the New Ventsral Park.

Last week, the Clover Administration concluded an agreement with the architectural and engineering consultants of North Carolina to provide architectural services for the development of shopping tents and places for public restrooms. The amount of these services will be 18.000 dollars.

The representative of the administration Alison Harvey claims that the key element of the first stage of construction is the laying of water and sewer systems. It will be designed by specialists of Joel E. Woods and Association “(Joel E. Woods and Associates).

“As soon as the design is completed, the water supply and sewer systems, we will renew to participate in the auction,” says Harvey.

She claims that the auction can be won in early November, subject to the completion of the development of all projects but the trading zone and at the end of the communication lines.

However, Harvey noted that football fields, which are part of the first stage of construction, will most likely be unsuitable for the game before the summer or even autumn 2012. This is due to the fact that the grass should grow properly, so that it can be played on it. According to forecasts, the first stage of construction will cost from 1.2 million to 1.4 million dollars. In her course, four football fields, a trading zone and a zone with public toilets, parking and the overall infrastructure of the park will be built.

If the auction passes at a price below the expected, then it will be possible to go faster to the second stage of construction.

The city was put off about 75.000 dollars a year, and at the moment the amount of 300 has accumulated.000.

Last year, the city administration agreed to give a bail the amount of 900.000 dollars, with a refund of income taxes in order to accelerate the development of the project.

The city plans to spend 75.000 dollars annually for a ten -year period. The plan for the upcoming stages of construction includes: “Polivalka” (attraction), open -air theater, alleys for walking, picnic places, basketball sites, volleyball sites on the sand and “Field of Wonders” – which is a special type basketball court, for people disabled.