How to breed lime for whitewashing

If you plan to whitewash the surface of walls or ceiling, do not forget that the mixture should be diluted correctly. In addition, it is necessary to prepare well for whitewashing the surface. There should not be rusty or fat spots on the processed surface. It is easy to remove rust – rinse with water and treat the surface with copper sulfate. Fat spots are easily eliminated with a 2%solution of soda soda. After which the treated surface needs to be washed with water. For removal from the surface of defects, putty is used. After puttying, the surface must be primed. After the primer dries, you can start whitewashing.

A solution for whitewash is easy to make. For this you will need: two kilograms of lime beed, 100 g. salt, 500 g. dyes soaked in advance in water. Salt can be replaced with 200 grams of alumo -coal alum. Mix all the ingredients well and slowly pour water into the resulting mixture. The volume of the resulting solution should be no more than 10 liters. The finished solution is slightly dutied with blue or ultramarine.

The white surface should dry without the hit of direct rays of the sun and drafts. For this purpose, it is recommended to closely close the windows, doors. Domest the windows even better.

If earlier the surface was whitewashed with lime, in the future it is impossible to use chalk whitewashing on this surface; Because of this, dirty spots or divorces may occur.

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