In order to control the quality of work

In order to control the quality of work, you need to understand this or that technology yourself. So, you have to first study the topics of “black preparation of surfaces for decoration”, “options for performing the floor screed”, etc. D. The second minus is that it is quite difficult to decide on the knowledge and skills of future workers. In order not to buy a “cat in a bag”, achieve the opportunity to visit the objects that the team led. So you are not from her stories or photographs, but in reality you can evaluate the quality of work. The third drawback of the option described here is that, as a rule, you can not conclude any agreement with the “wild” brigade. Often these are not legal, but individuals engaged in this type of activity. Therefore, they do not bear legal liability for their actions, and if necessary, asking them in all severity of the law will not work. And finally, the fourth minus ± in the colossal loss of time and nerves. However, if you have one in abundance, and there are not enough financial resources, you can try repairs in such a way. Note that it is suitable mainly for cosmetic repairs, without any complex types of work and redevelopment. And a few more tips. In order for your work as a foreman effective, you should paint in great detail for yourself the sequence of work and the timing of each repair stage. If you plan to install and debugged engineering and technical equipment, including the replacement of water supply, heating and electrical intelligence systems, it is better to invite qualified specialists from licensed companies for this that will prepare the project and do all the necessary work on its basis. Savings on the participation of professionals in the implementation of this stage of repair can lead to errors fraught not only with the loss of significant amounts, but also. As practice shows, errors with this option of reconstructing housing still cannot be avoided. The main thing is that they are not fatal. Any others can be introduced as a new valuable experience in your own knowledge piggy bank.